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Dance Team



Collegiate Prep Elementary Dance Team are eager to support and entertain their clubs, organizations and sports teams during a variety of events.  They are an essential part of the in-game and spirit-raising entertainment that boosts crowd excitement. The focus will be on performing at some of our of the Cedar Hill High School football games and our very own Collegiate Prep basketball games, in addition to various events promoting school spirit and building dance skills.
Dance is a team sport designed for scholars in PreK or Kindergarten through 5th grade.  To be able to participate, the child needs to be at least 4 years old and be in good scholastic standing..  All that is required is enthusiasm, spirit, and regular practice to master moves, words, and build on teamwork. Dance offers young children a chance to refine skills involving stunting and dance – possibly to pursue high school cheerleading. Squads are organized to ensure team compatibility and safety.  Cheerleading is an athletic sport, involving strength for stunting, and stamina while you dance. The cheerleaders get the teams fired up with personalized cheers, signs and banners,tunnels at the end of games and special crowd chants.   
Practices are generally Tuesday afternoons from 3:30-5:15 at Collegiate Prep gym.
Currently, we are working on a schedule for the games we plan to perform at.